The First and Ten Mentoring Program was developed in 1990 with the goal of encouraging youth to stay in school and develop goals to help them be life-long achievers that would benefit society. In addition, it provides parents and teachers support through forums, seminars and workshops. This unique program helps build self-esteem, provide guidance, encouragement, and support needed to increase options for more productive lives especially with African American males and other youth experiencing challenges in grades K-12.
Football has a prominent place in the fabric of American popular culture. “First and Ten” is a football metaphor that is used to encourage and empower students to collaborate through a team effort. In football the concept of making a “first down” and the cumulative effect of running ten yards at a time down the football field to accomplish the goal of a touchdown has been applied to the goal setting process of students to be applied to their future social and academic progress. The motto of the First and Ten Mentoring Program is “WE BELIEVE-WE CAN ACHIEVE!”
The program is lead by Founder and CEO, Oliver W. Spencer, Jr., Ph.D. He is a retired Superintendent of Schools, Former Board of Trustee Chairman at an HBCU, and CEO of Spencer Consulting Group an Executive Leadership Development Organization, which provides training, mentoring and guidance to aspirant executive leaders.
This manual outlines the procedures necessary to implement a First and Ten Mentoring Program in a school district or community organization. It is divided into sections for the mentors, school staff, parents, and students. Each section contains information about the specific components of the program as it applies to the group under discussion, as well as samples of the official First and Ten forms to be used.
Communities In Schools-Charlotte Collaboration at Bruns Avenue Elementary School
First and Ten Team Mentoring group volunteers through Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg (CIS-Charlotte) at Bruns Avenue Elementary in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School Systems.
Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg (CIS-Charlotte) is an affiliate of the national Communities In Schools network, which is the nation’s largest organization dedicated to empowering students to stay in school and on a path to a brighter future. Working directly inside schools, CIS connects students to caring adults and community resources to help them succeed inside and outside the classroom and reach their greatest potential.